Sunday, February 12, 2006

Trouble in Paradise?

Millions of people live in community associations. Individual owner-volunteers manage these very complex housing developments. Owners' equity in these projects is directly affected by how well the volunteers do their job. Funding repairs and maintenance--even just predicting necessary funding--is a daunting task. More and more lately, individual community associations cannot meet their obligations to repair and maintain the community. Cities and counties cannot be relied upon to help these failing associations. Only the financial contributions of the individual owners are available, and often these are simply not adequate. This discussion, among the many owners of interests in community associations, is long overdue. Click on the link: "The Uncertain Future of Community Assoications" on the right to read my thoughts on this problem. I'd be very interested in your reaction.



At 2:59 PM, Blogger The G Manifesto said...

I tried to click on the link, but it does not seem to work

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Tyler Berding said...

"The Uncertain Future" publication is in .pdf file format. It requires Adobe Reader (free download from or some other .pdf file reader.


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